A new organiser stepped into the arena of Lithuanian Rally Championship in the year 2010 the main purpose of which is to organize a new rally event which will become a traditional event not only for competitors of Lithuanian Rally Championship but also for competitors and spectators from foreign countries (Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Russia, Finland).
The format of the rally event – two summer days of holiday weekend (14-15th of August). "300 Lakes Rally" takes place in Zarasai region, it will be not only the 5th round of Lithuanian Rally Championship but also the 4th round of North European Zone (NEZ) rally championship and the 2nd round of Baltic Rally Championship.

All special stages of the rally are located on the roads of Zarasai district, that’s why it will be a very compact rally.
The official opening ceremony of the Rally will take place in the central square of Zarasai town and, for the first time in the history of Lithuanian rally society, the first and the second day of the rally will end up with a Super Special Stage (parallel race with artificial jumps).
The Super Special Stage will be held in the cradle of Zarasai town – The Great Island of Zarasas lake. Many major events in this town and district are held on this island. Good infrastructure and other commodities will be organized for all competitors and spectators.
The press conference with competitors will start at the same place (the Great Island of Zarasas lake) as soon as the rally finishes. Spectators will be able to see live results on a big screen. Both rally days, after Super Special Stages, will be ended with a concert on The Great Island.
Again, for the first time in the history of Lithuanian Rally Championship, our event will be started with a Shakedown stage, which will help the competitors to get acquainted with the specific surface and ground of the area, adjust settings for their cars, etc. Each competitor will have an opportunity to drive the Shakedown stage two times.
More details on official website: http://www.300lakesrally.lt
E-mail: info@300lakesrally.lt