PLuto píše:
Both remained conscious and were transported to hospital for examination. Tests revealed several fractures. Gabin was operated on this afternoon to reduce the fracture to his left ankle.
Hello friends. Thank you all for your messages, all this is really heartwarming and makes you want to fight to come back even stronger. I am not able to walk at the moment ... I have a broken left foot and fractured right tibia. My left hand is broken, have displaced collarbone and a cracked vertebra. In short .... despite all this. I do not lose my will to come back and it is thanks to you.
The impact was very violent and the minutes that followed ... felt extremely long. It was impossible to get out of the car. Eric and Benjamin arrived first on the scene. Thanks to all the help on the scene, you guys ��! The organizers and rescue teams have done an outstanding job as well and we have been supported. Unfortunately, I did not get much news from Steph who is in another hospital 130km
Thank you a thousand times to you all for your support! See you soon!
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